12 July, 2006

Dear Mr.Terrorist....

Dear Mr. Terroist,
I hope you are happy. Psychologists tell me that you are trained not to feel any emotions. So, if you do not experience regret, guilt or fear of punishment, I suppose you cannot fel happiness or satisfaction at the success of your plans either. So why do you do what you do- when it offers you no job satisfaction?
You should be happy though- your plans worked perfectly! There was so much blood, so much loss of innocent lives...Did you kill as many people as you hoped to kill? You carried out your plan so well, Mr. Terrorist. Congratulations on a job well done!
This is why I sometimes think you are better than our government officials- atleast you do your job well! Our goverment officials rarely do their jobs- forget about doing it well. It is we citizens who took up the responsibility of rescuing survivors and taking them to the hospitals. We picked up the dead bodies of our fellow citizens from the tracks. The government officials made a few token visits,made a few symapthetic noises and and locked themselves up in some meeting. I wonder if we should elect them next time- we seem to be doing so much of their work, I'm sure we can run the country without them.
And this is why I think you are wasting your time Mr. Terrorist. You can kill us by the hundreds and the government won't do a thing because they don't care what happens to us- they give a damn! There are so many of us in this country that a few hundred less voters who do not exist anymore make no difference to their lives.
I haven't been able to tell my family that I'm fine. And I don't know if they are ok. The stupid phone lines were jammed! I had a fight with my parents before I left home today- I regret that now. I wish I could tell them I'm sorry. I wish I could tell them how much I love them. It is morning now Mr. Terrorist, and the trains are working again (our city never stops..it keeps moving on). I'll just hop into one of the trains and I'll be home in no time. I'm not scared of you, Mr.Terrorist.
And Mr. Terrorist, Thank you very much! Thanks to your well orchestrated blasts yesterday, I realized how many people love me and care for me. My boyfriend was so worried about me yesterday- he says he realized how much he loved me when he came so close to losing me. He has asked me to marry him (finally!).
I don't know if you are happy, Mr.Terrorist. But I am truly, very, very happy.
Yours sincerely,
A middle-class, local-train travelling Mumbaikar.
P.S. Although this is a work of fiction, any similarity to actual events or individuals is completely intentional. It compiles the various reactions I to the blasts that I heard from people around me. I've used a little bit of my imagination too.This post of mine is a tribute to all Mumbaikars.


Anonymous said...

gud post, represents a different pov. but tell me one thing, can all we do is blast our government on its inefficiency, while we ourselves don't like to even make the effort to throw that damn chewing gum into a trash bin instead of just spittin it out on the street??

Anonymous said...

Excellent Post. Awesomely written. Loved it and completely understand and agree with what you've written.
Tc.This is an excellent piece, glad you put it up:)

Anonymous said...

Send the letter!! plzz do..if not the terrorist send it to the Government..they are as good as the terrorists..

Anonymous said...

Send the letter!! plzz do..if not the terrorist send it to the Government..they are as good as the terrorists..

Anonymous said...

nice blog lady, and yes dont worry v l r there fr u! luv u!

Anonymous said...

well said, and well written...looking to more from you...:)