22 July, 2006

Pass the Message....A sincere request!

Coca Cola in association with MOB (an NGO) and Disha Counseling Centre, is organizing free counseling sessions for those who were affected by the Mumbai blasts- either directly or indirectly. People who desire to avail of these services can call at the following numbers from Tuesday ,25th of July onwards: 9324547076 and 9819924387. The calls can be made on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and the counseling sessions are scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Monday. Thus the program will be running only till 31st of July. Counseling will be provided irrespective of the person's economic background, social status, caste or community.

If you know anyone who has been affected by the blasts, and is experiencing distress because of it, please make the above information available to that person. The person may have actually been affected by the blasts, and been injured, or the person may have been present on the scene and may be suffering from stress owing to have seen the destruction and death. the counseling will also be given to those who were not directly affected by the blasts, but whose relatives or friends may have been victims, as a result of which they too are suffering from excessive grief and other emotional disturbances.

Please please please pass on this message...it is very very important!
Thank you in advance.

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