19 November, 2006

Anybody want a cat that is almost human?

A close friend of mine is having to put her cat up for adoption due to unavoidable circumstances (its a long story..I’ll tell you some other time)….

The point is that this cat needs a home now…You can’t really call it a cat..I’ve always thought Curly (thats his name) was half-human, the way he always seemed to know exactly what we were speaking….In any case he is the most intelligent cat I know…and also one of the most beautiful ones….

Pepper coloured….and “potty-trained and food-trained” in my friends own words…He is a rather well-behaved cat..Doesn’t scratch the furniture or anything…loves to sleep on top of the TV and to play hide and seek…

As of now Curly is in an animal shelter, and my friend has been given a weeks time to find a good home for him in Mumbai….So if anyone is interested please please do drop in a mail at mythilyram@gmail.com. If you want to see Curly’s pic, then you can see it at http://dietraeume.blogspot.com. Please people, take this plea for help very seriously and contact me within a week.

Thank you!

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